Seeds of Change in Rural Areas

MixMatters recently participated in the Brilian Policy Workshop titled «Seeds of Change in Rural Areas,» an event dedicated to exploring the transformative potential of bioeconomy in rural communities. The workshop provided a platform for fruitful exchanges of insights and ideas among industry leaders, experts, and stakeholders committed to driving positive change in sustainable practices and bioeconomy initiatives. Topics such as income diversification for primary producers, expansion strategies, and innovative use of rural feedstocks were actively discussed, highlighting the role of innovation in rural sustainability and economic empowerment.

The event was not just an opportunity for knowledge sharing but also a testament to collaborative efforts aimed at shaping a more sustainable future for rural areas. MixMatters extends its gratitude to Brilian for organizing such an enlightening and productive workshop, underscoring the importance of collaborative initiatives in advancing bioeconomy and sustainable development agendas for rural communities.

The project is supported by the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) and its members – Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC).